Quality Certification of Site Surveys

Reducing cost is a key challenge for the offshore wind sector and one way to do this is to lower risk for investors from the start. Implementing a strong quality assurance procedure from day one to provide accurate, practical, high quality site studies has a major role to play. With each new tender, the Dutch have learned to add extra value to site information packages and improve workflow, not just meeting industry best practice standards but also setting new benchmarks.

Added value and compliance

The first step is to determine the scope of the different studies, incorporating any lessons learned from previous tenders or projects. Where applicable, in the Dutch process, input is provided by internal experts within RVO.nl, other governmental departments, agencies, external experts, and the industry (e.g. via industry bodies such as the Netherlands Wind Energy Association). Market consultation sessions further help to strengthen the scope descriptions.

The study deliverables are reviewed by internal experts from other governmental departments and external experts. The accredited certifying body (in our case, DNV GL) is contracted to confirm the completeness of the scope.

The next step is to secure contractors for each study. These are selected via tender on the basis of the most economic advantageous offer, with safety, quality, and track record as the primary award criteria. After procurement, quality assurance is performed whilst work is being conducted by the specific contractor.

A project team, from RVO.nl and external experts, is assigned for each study. The project team monitors and ensures the execution of the scope is in compliance with the scope description. Draft reports and other deliverables are reviewed by internal and independent, external experts.

Adding extra value to site information packages

Accredited Certification

Finally, where applicable, the accredited certifying body (DNV GL, in the Dutch case) reviews reports and other deliverables and provides a Verification Letter to assure the results are acquired in compliance with DNVGL-SE-0190:2015-12 and other applicable industry standards. Verification Letters are added to the published reports where applicable.

An overall Statement of Compliance for the complete set of site studies is then issued, allowing the studies to be used in the design basis of an offshore wind farm. The following are applied: Document No. DNVGL-SE-0190:2015-12 Project certification of wind power plants. By fulfilling the requirements in DNVGL-SE-0190, the Site Assessment Requirements listed in IEC 61400-22:2010-05 Wind turbines – Part 22: Conformity Testing and Certification are also fulfilled. 

The Dutch Approach

The Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO.nl) commissions experts to conduct the site surveys for planned Dutch offshore wind farms and these are then subject to rigorous quality certification. The final comprehensive package of site data is then made available to potential developers to use to optimise their wind farm designs.

With expertise in each field of study required, as well as skill in bringing individual elements together as one strong package to help optimise design and reduce risk, the Netherlands can help replicate that success elsewhere to make wind and water work cost-effectively for others.

How can we help?

Get in touch with us! Are you interested to learn more about the Dutch Approach? Feel free to contact us and we are happy to tell you more!